
Where there is more poverty, in the US, in Mexico or in Colombia?

by Guest60879  |  earlier

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Where there is more poverty, in the US, in Mexico or in Colombia?




  1. compared to Mexico or Columbia, there is no poverty in the USA.

    How many poor people in Mexico have a cell phone or a TV verses poor in the  USA with a cell phone, TV and transportation.

  2. hm I guess Mexico..but not sure.  I'm checking stats as I type-

    Mexico- 13.8%

    Colombia- 49%

    (Wow my first and wild guess was wrong..but i knew both nations were pretty poor).

    US- 12%

    Hope I helped..and Colombia is #1 in poverty and then its Mexico, and the US.

  3. How do you define "poverty"?

    If everyone (99%) makes $1000 a month, then the ones with $100 could be said to be in a poverty situation.

    If everyone(99%) makes $100,000 a month, the person with that same $1000 is in poverty I suppose.  So, it is all relative.

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