
Where they (radio 106 FM) buy their music from..?

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Los Angeles




  1. Are you talking about KPWR or KROQ? It doesn't matter, most stations get their music either from a music supplier or just rip mp3s on their own. I worked at a station that used to get its music from a supplier, but this was before mp3s and it was still using reel-to-reels. Another station I worked at used a program which was designed for radio stations and played MP3s off a computer. Some stations still use CDs to play music on the air, not much different from how DJs used to play records.

  2. Where is the station?  Are you in the US?  It depends on where you are at, but unfortunely, you didn't provide a city of license, country, call sign or anything.  Please leave remarks about where you are at approximately, a call sign or something so that we can help you.  If you are in the US, it's pretty easy, but I don't know if you are in the US.

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