
Where to buy 7 Dust for fleas?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a lot of people on here reccomend 7 dust for the yard to kill fleas. I looked on the internet and i cannot find any info on where to buy it. Does anyone know where they would sell it?




  1. I know they have it at wal-mart.

    Diatamaceaus (sp?) earth would be safer for your yard.  Its sold wherever lawn and garden supplies are sold.  You do want the kind thats for lawn and garden tho, and not the swimming pool stuff.

  2. Dear Cheerupe,You can find Orthos' Sevin Dust or the generic equiv.,7 dust at any lawn and garden ctr...HomeDepot....Walmart/KMart. You've made the correct and safe choice for your pets in not choosing the very popular,expensive and dangerous Frontline and sim. products.Good Luck.

  3. It's called Sevin and it is sold at most hardware stores.  It's pretty potent stuff - I personally would not use it over large areas even though people recommend it all the time.  It definitely should not be put on animals (not that you were planning to but some people actually suggest that and it is toxic to animals).  The chemical name is carbaryl and it is a known carcinogen to humans.  It has been in use for years though.

    I think a better approach is to treat your pets directly with Frontline Plus or Advantage.  Then they are no longer hosts for fleas at all for 30 days and they don't bring them into your house either.

    We have all our animals on Frontline Plus and Advantage and absolutely no fleas on them or in the house.  We have not needed to treat our house or yard at all.

  4. Try sevin,not 7

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