
Where to buy A Game of Thrones RPG?

by  |  earlier

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im looking to find a game of thrones RPG. could somone give me a store that carries it or an online site that does?? THX plz also include the price.




  1. Oh, we have it!  It's really very nice - pricy, though.  I bought it for my fiance and spent more than $50 on it; the few places I've looked online, I've seen it for upwards of $100.

    I know you can get it used on Amazon for about $60 or so, that might be your best bet.  Alternately, you can download the pdf for free, if you don't mind pdfs.  The problem is that it's out of print - you can't get it new from most online stores, not even from White Wolf.


  3. You probably won't find a better online source for it than ebay.  You might also try the online sites for large bookstores - they sometimes carry games.   Best of luck with it.

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