
Where to buy Zimbabwe dollars?

by  |  earlier

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I saw on the TV a woman with a whole stack of $10000000 Notes, Complaining they were worthless . I want a few so I can say I own 10000000 of something.

Where do you think I would get some from?? Because I don't know anyone in Zimbabwe.




  1. The best place is eBay I delt on there in currencies for 4 years and I picked up loads if you want a big note look for 1980s Yugoslavian or Serbia notes I had one 50,000,000,000,000 now thats a lot of zeros and at the time of issue a whole lot of nothing

  2. You won't get them outside Zim. Buy a Monopoly game or a kid's cash register instead, the money in there will be worth more.

  3. The nearest airport. Go to the currency exchange and get the money.

  4. try littleton coin company,,,i think they are in new hampshire---google the address---hope that helps

  5. I didnt read the bottom

    i only read the question

    of course Zimbabwe

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