
Where to buy a Eclectus parrot ?

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I really want one, but i have no clue where to buy it.




  1. Dancetoday is right, buying birds from other states

    and get them ship over to you is very common

    i bought a caique 4 months ago and he came from

    Florida,  he arrived just fine a little bit nervous but fine.

    there is a lot reputable breeders everywhere but there,s

    also the brokers the scamers and bad breeders that don't

    care about the birds, that,s why you have to ask

    a lot of questions ask for pictures they have to send you

    a picture at least every week, and they are

    going to ask for a deposit about  10 to 20%

    and thats normal,   but like i said reseach the breeder and ask other people about that breeder thats a good step

    for you to follow,

    is a great web to ask and search for birds, the good

    thing about upatsix is that you could ask other people

    about other breeders, is a good web to look for breeders

    and birds hope that helps.

    good luck.

  2. contact me I have some excellent resources to help you find one.

  3. First of all, research, research, research as much as you can! Until you do that, there's no way you're going to have a good time with your Eclectus. Even if all you can do is just Googling, the whole point is to DO it.

    Another thing I'd like to say is that if you want a pet bird, don't buy, adopt one instead. There are so many good abandoned birds out there in parrot shelters, and buying fresh ones worsens their conditions and their future generations'. Visit to find the nearest parrot shelter. They are dedicated to rehabbing and rehoming abandoned, neglected or abused birds in good, forever homes. You can get your bird from them FOR A FRACTION OF THE PET STORE (OR BREEDER) PRICE, and YOU'LL ALSO KNOW ABOUT THE BIRD'S PERSONALITY you're going to get from them. So it's an all-around great source to get your pet bird from.

  4. Find a good breeder in your area, check local bird stores and some better pet stores.  Never buy a bird over the internet.  Many bad things have happened to some people that have done this.  Remember, if the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  You can get your bird cheaper from a breeder.  Please read my profile

    Be careful about adopting a bird, especially from a bird rescue.  We do bird rescue here, and there are only a few that could actually be adopted.  Most birds that have gone to a rescue are there because of bad behavior and biting or some other problems.  They would take a lot of work to rehab and most likely end back up at a rescue.  There are some that are in rescue because the owners had to move or some other things like that, but those birds are few and far between.

  5. Buy a copy of Bird Talk magazine.  In the back are classified ads for breeders.  They are listed by state.  I would not go to a pet store.  A breeder is usually cheaper, and his/her birds will usually be much tamer since the breeder takes the time several times every day to handle and feed their babies whereas a pet store will put the bird in a cage and not handle it, which can undo all the work the breeder did to keep the baby as friendly as possible.  As a breeder who has bred Eclectus in the past, would never sell any of my babies to a pet store ever again for the reasons I just mentioned.

  6. I bought both of my eclectus from breeders that do not live where I do.  I'm not sure why someone said "do not buy over the internet."  Not everyone has an eclectus breeder in their home town or nearby.  I highly recommend Susie Christian of Eclectusville.  I have one of her babies and know several other people that do and everyone is very satisfied.  I think the key is getting to know the breeder first.  Don't buy from soneone who sells unweaned or unfledged birds. This is not in the birds' interest and is done to move them more quickly and make more money.

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