
Where to buy a turtle?

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I've been wanting to buy a red eared slider turtle but don't know where to buy one. If anyone knows a website could where they ship them could you please tell me. Also Is there a law that says you can't buy a turtle 3 inches or smaller.

Any answers will help THANKS!





  2. Petco now for 14.99 regular 17.99 in California.

    ‘If you have allot of $$$$ and start out with a 60 gal plus size tank and great filtration system for Aquatic turtles I say do it!

    They are the cutest!

    Did you get a BIG tank or as they get older in a small tank they will kill to the death for space and food.

    They basking 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D they need to grow so ya need a Rep light  for that.

    They a heater on 75 to 78 degrees.

    Do you have a good filter system?

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium. They will eat anything that moves.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins.

    Dried tubiflex cubed worms or some form of turtle stix, yea and alot of money .

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding. I have two that are 36 yrs old!! Plus an 8 and 5 yr old.

    I have had them in a pond for about 6 yrs now..

  3. DO NOT BUY FROM TURTLESALE.COM they will send you sick turtles and they mistreat there turtles please dont support them'

    also try in the classifieds they might have some but red eared sliders are hard to find

  4. Yes there is a law, but is it 4 inches not three. Here is a link to that info.

    Try your local pet stores or breeder to get your RES. That way you can see them before you get it to ensure that it appears healthy. Sometimes turtles can die during or shortly after shipping if the seller does not ship them properly.

  5. i guess a pet store or find one in the ocean on a beach

  6. There is a federal regulation against the commercial buying or selling any turtle or tortoise in the US if it is under 4" long shell length. You can still get them from individual breeders, etc.- which is the smart way to go... if you want a Red-ear.

    Personally, I think Red-ears are one of the dumbest pets most people can have- they are only popular because they are cute as babies and they used to catch them by the millions in waste water treatment ponds- so they were cheap. The problem is the dumb things get so big, are aggressive, and if they get into wild areas, tend to out-compete the native animals.

    Painted Turtles and Map Turtles are about as cute when young, stay smaller all their lives, are less aggressive, and have similar cares. has good forums on adoption and classified ads.

  7.   If you are thinking about buying a turtle or tortoise I would strongly suggest you think twice before buying one from a pet store.

    #1 Many pet stores obtain their stock from wild-caught turtles and tortoises from foreign suppliers. Countries such as China have nearly depleted many of their wild turtle populations. Wild caught turtles and tortoises from Africa and Asia must go through very inhumane treatment during storage and shipping. See these links for photos taken of abused turtles and tortoises forced into the highly unregulated pet trade:


  8. A pet store would probably me the best place to get a turtle vs. having one shipped to you .Usually they have them at Petco and Petsmart.=)

  9. There is a law on that. However I got one when he was the size of a half dollar. My mom's friend found him. You might try looking in the newspaper or go to I wouldn't buy from Petco or Petsmart. Every fish and turtle I have bought from them was sick. I hope this helps! Good Luck!

  10. There is a place called SUNSATIONS and also I guess at PETLAND.

    Hope this helps :)

    (and there is no law about the 3 inc turtle thiing, no wrrys)


  12. Visit several pet shops/stores and ask a lot of questions about having turtles as pets. Be sure this is what you want to do because Red Eared Sliders can live 50 to 60 years. It is illegal to sell juveniles (less than 4"). I just left a great website on Red Eared Sliders. I don't remember the name of the site, but I simply typed in Red Eared Sliders.You will find several links to websites selling turtles.

  13. Usually they will have them at petstores. I have three baby RES that were sold to me illegally. If you are caught buying them illegally... watch out! Also they are hard to care for. Make sure you know a lot.  

  14. gee a pet store maybe they do sell pets

  15. chinatown in ny, petstore

  16. I just wanted to comment on the "4 inch law". The way the law is worded, it only pertains to the selling of turtles under 4 inches. It is not illegal to buy or possess them, so you have nothing to worry about.
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