PS:im not spammer.
Some days ago ,I bought 50g age of conan gold from ,because I had seen
The advertisement in the game ,and I need some gold to buy items .The customer supporter said they can provide the gold in 1 hour.I know I m idiot,I believed it and paid thru paypal.their were so many goldsellers all over the internet ,but agamegold’s gold was really cheap(50g takes 34 bucks) . that's why I choosed them .But I was waiting and waiting ,1 hour passed ,90mins passed ,no news.the supporter respond that pls w8 a sec .i was afraid be scammed.2 hours later ,I got the 50g 2 hours later,but but the seller in the game who owned my items logged sad, I asked them to compensate for me ,but they said next time they would give me the extra gold ,