
Where to buy clove cigarettes online?

by  |  earlier

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Trustworthy sites that work. I tried and it seems like they have been shutdown.

Please only list sites that you have tried yourself and have successfully received products from. Please do not list sites that you simply googled; I want recommendations.

Also, do not post bullshit answers such as stating that smoking is bad. You aren't going to change my mind.





  1. I purchase mine from these guys:

  2. you could try here

  3. Try ebay

  4. You can actually buy them and like the new and smoke shops. the one thing i would change though about getting a herbal cigarette is the flavour. when i bought clove, i was almost throwing up because of how bad the smell was, and how bad it left you smelling. tobacco smoke isnt even that bad of a smell. but if you already have tried it and liked it, well people have their opinions!

    i cant help you with a website, but just try a news and smoke shop, or a meditarrean grocery store (somewhere where they might sell hookahs etc.)

    good luck

  5. I've used before without a problem. I don't know if you're underage, but I also buy them by the carton at tobacco shops. It saves A LOT of money, especially with cloves that are more expensive.

    Good luck.

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