
Where to buy creatine/protein powder in one shake?

by Guest33038  |  earlier

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I am trying to bulk up and recently started working out. I have been taking protein formulas from GNC for the last 3 months and they seem to be working fine but I am not getting the results I am looking for. I usually work out 3 or 4 times a week on weights only. Does anyone sell creatine/protein powder in one? I havent seem the combination of them together but maybe I over looked. Would this be faster, or what are some other alternatives?




  1. ok first off creatine is like a steroid so i wouldn't suggest that u need to do about 1 HOUR OF CARDIO before weight training your not just gonna bulk up in three months if ur looking for natural muscle but if u want that artificial c**p then go ahead but I'm 15 and I'm doin pretty good....its all in your DIET, SLEEP, And CARDIO for fat burning, and try not to be stressed out alot because that interferes with muscle growth... but you have to do cardio keep a steady diet and keep up with your sleep get 8 hours of sleep everynight. i play foot ball and i would say im pretty healthy so if theres any questions just email me

  2. your not going get big that fast.. and you need to have a very intense workout to use supplements like creatine. I would focus on your diet. eat a lot of carbs and make sure your getting enough natural protein in your foods. if you wanted to take whey that would be fine but make sure your workouts are intense enough to use all the extra protein. and if you do decide to take protein and creatine make sure you drink plenty of water.  

  3. Nitro-Tech made by Muscle-Tech is what you are looking for.

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