
Where to buy currant and gooseberry plant in nothern illinois or southern wisconsin?

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I am trying ot buy currant plant, and blueberry plant cannot find them anywhere. i would be best if I could get a larger one.




  1. You can mail order several varieties from Miller's in NY.  They are at about the same climate, so should be okay.  I have lived in all three places (IL, WI, and NY) and planted plants from them and been very satisfied with how they did.

    I also like that they have so many varieties.  Though deer do love blueberry plants, so plan ahead.

  2. The best place in our area is Jung's Garden Center.  You can find them online at or at one of their two Madison, WI locations.  There is one on Northpoint Drive near Warner Park (NE side) and another just off of 18/151 (Verona Road) at Nesbitt Road (SW side of town near the new SuperTarget).

    If you order through the catalog, I think you can only get bare rootstock.  If you go to one of the stores, they sometimes have the more popular varieties in pots too, but they go fast in the spring!  I'd call ahead if you plan to go that route.

    Good luck!  We have all three and all are so good when you have home grown ones!

  3. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

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