
Where to buy droste dutch cocoa powder??

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i live in michigan near detroit and so far have only found one store that sells it but it is like a half hour drive..i know you can order it online but i am tring to find a store or stores that carry it.....thank for your time...




  1. I haven't been able to find it in stores around me lately either (in MA).  Trader Joe's used to carry it several years ago, but they haven't had it it a while, so I have resorted to buying it online (by the case!).  I have seen it in Whole Foods before, but there's not one that's local enough to me to go there regularly.  I don't know whether they still carry it, but if there's one near you it's worth a look to check.

    Update: I did some googling, and maybe found a local place for you.  Do they have Safeway stores in Michigan?  (We don't have them here, but I know they're pretty much everywhere else.)  Anyway, I found a post on a Food Network forum where someone mentioned buying Droste cocoa powder at a Safeway.  It was dated January of this year, so it's relatively recent.


    (near the bottom of the page -- search for "Droste")

  2. Go to in their grocery section.  It costs about $9.  I shop with Amazon a lot, and I really like them.  

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