
Where to buy fabric for halloween

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i'm making a sally outfit [nightmare before christmas] and she has a patch work dress [diffrent fabrics] and i have no clue where to buy the diffrent fabrics. o and for sally's shoes [she has closed toed black shoes] but i don't know what shoes i should where. help




  1. For the fabric, I'd go with the above poster, and add in Hobby Lobby if you have one nearby. As for shoes, I'd agree also.

  2. If you have a Jo-Ann Fabrics by you that would be your best bet. They have soo many matterials and sewing supplies it's crazy! You could also try somewhere like Michael's (but i dont know if they sell sewing things, but they do have crafts) or any local sewing or craft store

    As for shoes, I would probably wear some black flats, they would look the best and be the more cozy! Try Target or Payless Shoes for some cheap, simple and cute one! Plus you could wear them again and again!

    check out::::

  3. Well Wal-Mart actually has a great selection and is really inexpensive.  Also, as someone mentioned, Jo-Anne Fabrics is perfect.  The issue with that is you'll end up with way more fabric than you need, or not enough variety.  If you have a Good Will or similiar store in your area, go and get a bag of cheap clothes that you can cut up.  I love this online fabric store:

    Just go to the fabrics you like and look for the "order a swatch" option on the fabric's page.  It should be under and to the left of the Add to Cart button.  The swatches are small and really cheap.  Your costume idea sounds extremely cool and (more importantly) original so I hope it turns out great.  Happy Haunting!

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