
Where to buy methanol for biodiesel in or around philadelphia?

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Hi iam trying to make biodiesel for a diesel vechicle (only if my diesel project goes right) but its getting hard to buy methanol around .If any one knows any place they sell methanol pls let me know... thanks




  1. I can't imagine why it should be difficult unless everybody is trying to make bio-diesel all of a sudden.  Its a basic commodity chemical, made from natural gas.  Some likely sources:

    Racing engine builders, race  tracks etc.

    Industrial chemical suppliers

    You may need to explain your intended use since it is also a raw material for the production of methamphetime, but you this should not be a problem once you explain what you are doing.

    For small quantities, you can use any one of several brands of gasoline additives sold in auto parts stores.  Just check out the ingredients.

  2. I don't know, but have you tried checking wikipedia?

  3. I have found some posting on about making methanol your self

    tried it myself successfully making enough methanol for my first test batch

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