
Where to buy plain pillows to cover myself for CHEAP!?

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i really want to add in some deep red OR teal accent pillows to my college dorm room bc both my roommate and i have black and white comforters.

where can i find really cheap plain, square pillows that i can cover myself?





  1. WalMart.  Many of their stores eliminated the fabric/sewing section (ticked me off!), but if you sew, you should know which WalMarts still have sewing supplies & fabrics.  Can't do better anywhere on price.  Next best is Michaels crafts stores or Joann Fabric stores, but either is near double the WalMart price on the same thing, even on the same brand.

  2. Try a fabric store or Walmart.

  3. Most any craft stores will have pillow forms pretty cheap, and in lots of different sizes.

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