
Where to buy "Greening Your Cleaning"products?

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I recently saw them being discussed on a t.v. show, but I missed where to buy them. They are supposed to be safer then the regular products which can be toxic to kids. If anyone could help me that would be great.

P. S. I don't like to buy stuff online so I would prefer it be in a store.




  1. There are two very green methods of cleaning and disinfecting that are 100% totally non-toxic, environmentally responsible and effective.   Steam as produced by one of the small hand-held steam machines is great - I use it wherever I can.  There is also a home sanitizing system (Lotus) that treats water with ozone, creating a totally nontoxic disinfectant right in your own home.  This can be bought at Target stores.  In the long run, both of these devices will save money over store-bought chemicals and will leave your home toxin-free.

    The so-called "green cleaners" are still made from chemicals and, often times, by polluting companies or from source chemicals produced by known polluters.

    Check out sources below.  This is just a hint - you will find a lot more if you look.

  2. Wholefoods sells them.  We use Seventh Generation products.

  3. I'm not sure if this is what you are after but most places in the house (bathrooms, floors, benches, blocked drains, windows, sinks) can be cleaned using bicarb soda and vinegar, both very cheap, non-toxic and effective cleaning products available in supermarkets or bulk food stores.

    Windows are best cleaned using newspaper and vinegar (Spray on vinegar then wipe, or dip small amount of vinegar on newspaper, it smells briefly, but then the smell goes away completely).

    Blocked drains pour vinegar and bicarb both in together, the chemical reaction set off creates fizziness that helps to clean them out.

    Mix bicarb with vinegar to clean floors, sinks, baths etc. using a normal sponge.

    BUT, there are also microfibre cloths, which use nano technology, where you only need to add water and they do a really good job. The ones I've heard of are Enjo and Chi cloths (this could be what the TV show was about?).

    Look these up in your phone book, or do a search for micro-fibre cloths on internet, to find out those being sold in your area, call them and ask where they are stocked.


    I should have added then that products such as enviro laundry liquids, powders, dish washing detergents can be found at food co-ops - that way you can buy them bulk too, take your own container. Hopefully there is one near you. But I'm in Australia and I haven't heard of 'greening your cleaning' over here!

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