
Where to dispose of muddy wet leaves?

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I have eight 40-gallon plastic tubs filled with mud and wet decomposing leaves. I can't dry them out. They stink and I need to get rid of them, what should I do?




  1. Does your community compost?  That would be a great place to put them.  Otherwise, pick an out of the way corner of your yard and dump them there.  Eventually they will dry out and not stink so much, and they will decompose.  You may even take the opportunity to start your own compost.

  2. The reason they stink is because they're in plastic tubs.  I agree with the first answer, find a good place to start a compost heap and dump them there.  It's always good to have your compost heap convenient to the kitchen, but you'll have to research a good location for the area you live in.  Mine is against an east-facing wall where it gets afternoon shade.  If it's really stinky, throw some dirt on top.  It will absorb some of the moisture and keep the smell down.  Once the pile has had a chance to drain and the water evaporate, the smell will go away.  You can then use it as a mulch for your flower/vegetable beds.  Not only that, but you'll have your eight tubs back and you can find a new use for them!

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