
Where to eat in Paris???

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I am going to Paris early January and would like some ideas where I can go eat that is not touristy.. I would like some classic traditional French food. I willing to splurge on one of my dinners but would like to not empty the bank account either. I appriciate all answers but I'm looking for some answers from the locals.

Thank you.




  1. sorry..ive never gone to paris..good luck


    ChantAirelle the best of traditionnal french cooking in Paris.

    Chainterelle: You will feel as if you're visiting the Auvergne, the rugged, pastoral south-central region of France. Little fonts contain essential oils made from native plants; a sound system incorporates native birdsong, rain, and church bells; and the door even says "moo" when you walk in. A pretty, walled outdoor garden is a respite from Paris's bustle, and the peasant food is hearty and delicious.

    Chez Casimir: This restaurant near the Gare du Nord and far from the more touristy sides of Paris packs in loyal customers because Chef Philippe Tredgeu works magic in his kitchen, cooking with ingredients he finds at the market that morning or the night before. This is French comfort food at great prices!

  3. you HAVE to go to sainte placide metro stop, right when you get out to your right there's the best crepe stand in paris.

    i guarantee it. i lived in paris for a semester and had crepes pretty much everyday. these were the best i found.

    but anyway, i can't recommend you any restaurants because being a student, i was always broke and didn't get the chance to eat anything besides crepes and gyros from the quartier latin. which you should really try as well.

  4. Les Philosophes for dinner -- it's in a courtyard in the Marias

    Les Canons des Gobelins for lunch -- just outside the Gobelins metro station

    You could also get lunch from one of many, many bakeries for an authentic Parisian lunch.

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