
Where to find biodegradable wine cups?

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I'm a part of a folk music venue in New York City and we've just decided to start serving wine in addition to our other drinks. We try to have all of our cups and utensils be corn or sugar cane based so they can decompose. We're looking for wine cups like these ( in biodegradable plastic (corn, vegetable, etc.) Can anyone direct me to where to buy these in bulk? (please link directly to an info page regarding biodegradable plastic wine cups)




  1. This may not be possible yet. Sadly the materials are not strong enough for the stem, or so the seller websites claim. I would recommend using either reusable wine glasses, regular biodegradable corn or sugar based cups, or recycling. Sorry it's not an ideal answer, I hope I'm wrong, but this appears for now to be the case.

    Are you sending  your cups off for composting or doing it yourself, because this is really the only way to ensure they biodegrade. Current landfill regulations prevent air and water from getting into landfills and allowing things to biodegrade well.  

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