
Where to get Knuckle Dusters in Dublin?

by  |  earlier

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Much appreciated.

if you can tell me also if you have to be 18+ to get them.




  1. i use wipes now there more modern than dusters, you can get glass wipes ,, furniture wipes,, kitchen and even bathroom wipes the age of technology is amazing isn't it

    whoops sorry i thought you meant dusters i didn't realise you meant an item that would inflict pain on a person soooo sorry

  2. Don't be getting a knuckle duster. Get a different hobby maybe.

  3. Now why would you be asking a question like this for.

    Anyway If you are going to do what I think you're going to do, than learn some boxing.

    Yeah, it is against the law to have/to be found with a weapon like a knuckle duster.

  4. Don't think you should be really asking this on YA. as i'm sure they are illegal in the UK.

  5. I doubt if they are legal , so you probably cant buy them anywhere ,

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