
Where to get a cheap 32'' HD TV?

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Where can i get that TV above? For cheap




  1. Visio is an up and coming tv company there tv's are really cheap so look them up at bestbuy or somewere else, they are as good if not better than the other tv's out there.

  2. you can get a 37 inch Visio from Wal Mart for $600

  3. check the internet, phillips has been having  a pretty good sale on their 32" lcd screens.

    (I just bought one)

  4. Read this link, Chad, and maybe you'll change your mind about buying "cheap," but I somehow doubt it.

    Your best bet in a 32" LCD, for performance and reliability, is a Panasonic or Sony. A little cheaper, but a very good TV is Toshiba followed, perhaps, by Sharp. My best advice is, if you can't afford one of these, save up until you can or get one of these brands in a 26". 'Usually,' you are better off in the long run buying from an established TV/electronics store - watch for sales.

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