
Where to get a dog tag?

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Would anyone know where I could get a dog tag? I know they have a dog tag machine in petco but I have no idea how to operate it. xD

Do I have to buy them from the machine? How much are they? Does walmart have it cheaper?

(I really need to get it today and local.




  1. Purchase the tag at the register at PetCo, the machine is simple.  They will give you tokens for the machine.  enter the tokens and select the tag you paid for.  A keyboard will come up on the screen, type in what the first line should be (dogs name or phone number) then it'll ask you for the second line.  It'll let you view the tag and if everything is ok you hit enter and it'll engrave the tag for you when done it'll drop it out the bottom.  Remember to get the tag loops so you can attach to the collar.

    It's really simple to use and someone will show you how if you just ask.

    A good tag will cost you $6-$8

  2. Get the petstore employee to help you work the dog-tag machine.

  3. Either place it's really easy to operate and the cost depends on the size of the dog tag and with the ones at W/M on how many lines you get.  All you have to do is r-e-a-d the instructions and follow the prompts.  I don't know about Petco but at Petsmart it just depends on the size, shape, and color of the tag that you want but you can put up to 3 lines on the tag on the tag.  All you have to do is push the letters and/or symbols on the screen  and the space bar and then push next line.  It will show you what it will look like and give you a chance to fix it if you don't like it.

  4. If you mean a license the courthouse does that if you mean a tag with name those machines are self explanatory or ask a person there to help you , they will! Wal mart has those machines too!  Good idea and good luck!

  5. I got mine from petsmart: cheap and cute :)

  6. Any pet store sells tags.  I have never seen them in Walmart.

    If you don't know how to use the machine, ask someone behind the counter to help you.  That's their job.  I have seen lots of people needing help using those machines.  Don't be embarrassed.  It's for your dogs safety.

  7. Just ask one of the PetCo employees to help you with it. That's what they're there for.


  8. I got one a PetsMart.  Just let the cashier know that you want one.  She will charge you for it and then give you tokens to use in the machine.  The machine will tell you each step to take.  If you're still uncomfortable with that then ask them to help you.  I think the one at PetsMart was around $6.

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