
Where to get a marriage application notarized in morocco?

by  |  earlier

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i have application of marriage , i completed it,but i dont know where to get it notarized in morocco (rabat).




  1. you have to go to a notary,called in french   "notaire''

    or the' 'amala'',or "baladia,where you go ask and will tell you

  2. If you're in Morocco all you have to do is ask a taxi driver and they can give you directions or take you there.  You'd be amazed at all the info you can get from a taxi driver.  You can also ask for the address of an adoul and the Adoul can tell you everything you'll need to do in order to get married.

  3. Hi, I'd like to help, as my friend will also be facing a similar situation. I will be going again in October so I can look for  notaires in the country (my family are there but its easier to do it myself lol) try looking on this local Moroccan paper  it has helped me with links in the past:  

    And in response to 'am's' comment:

    Lol   2 more to  be 'scammed' he may say,

    or perhaps we are to be scammeng them?

    I was asked by a minister in Morocco if i were intending to marry a Moroccan in order for my business there to suceed.... (I am not marrying for that reason)  

    My friend is marrying because she loves the man, she loves the culture and the religion, she wants to settle to as tranquil life much different from nursing in the UK.........finally if she had to support him she would out of love and duties of marriage, not because of 'scam' - in 50 years she has not met a man in UK worthy of her love.   Oh and i may add, my sons are too young for her despite being the worlds best!

  4. Oh great, another woman being scammed

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