
Where to get chucky the killer doll?

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i want too scare my little brother




  1. I would check ebay if I was you. I am quite certain it's there.

  2. i bet spencers gifts at the mall

  3. itsnot nice to scared a little boys such as your little brother .  well you can try at cirus of city, or bestbuy or at the malls or toys r'us big stores sell them still.  

  4. This doll totally freaked  me out. The movie did too. The Bride of Chuckie was really freaky.

  5. flea market or spencers

  6. Oh, that sounds mean BUT my brother did it to me so here you go :)

  7. toy store

  8. I thought he was sent to the depths of h**l forever.

  9. You can find it at Spencer Gifts and probably at Hot Topic

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