
Where to get circumcised?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I live in the Los Angeles area and would like to get circumcised. I would like to know where I could have this procedure done.




  1. I think Rabbi's do it to infants but I don't know if they do it to older men, but if you want to have a Rabbi do it you can find a local Synagogue. They may also anticipate that you are Jewish or wish to become a Jew. Otherwise you will have to find a surgeon who would do it. If you have a regular health care provider you should be able to go through them and have them locate someone for you that would have at least some coverage under your insurance. I found a surgeon who would do a hernia operation for me with the minimally invasive surgery method, and I just searched on the Internet with the name of my city and the type of surgery and my health care provider name. You may have to search with just a couple of the criteria if you don't get results.

  2. any hospital or plastic surgeon but why would you want to

  3. Regardless of how old you are you can still get this done. It is said to be more healthy because uncircumcised men no matter how clean they are can grow bacteria and harbor germs down there way more easily then a circumcised man! Start off by visiting you primary doctor and explain it to him/her, they should be able to refer you to someone who can perform the procedure.

  4. Call a urologist. I don't know why you would want to do it though...have you researched it? It's much better to be intact.


  5. Here's a urologist right in LA:

    Other good ones include: (in Atlanta) (in Miami)

  6. O_O

    And uh...You're an older man?

    Lol good luck with the pain, my man.

  7. Don't do it!!!!!

    I will never have s*x with you if you do.  Hmph.  I like my men natural so they feel everything I do.  I don't like to see or feel a scarred erection.  No.  No.  Nopity No.

  8. lol why ?!

    what is it with americans wanting to cut up their privates ?

    my bf isnt circumsised and i like it that way tbh .

  9. You could either go to your GP, who would probably refer you to a urologist, or you could just go see a plastic surgeon lol

  10. Most men know that one of the most sensitive parts of the p***s is on the underside in the ‘v’ shaped area where the head of the p***s meets the shaft.  This is known as the ‘frenular delta’. For a picture see this link:

    Some men consider the frenular delta to be the male ‘g-spot’. During circumcision the frenulum and frenulur delta is often partially removed or damaged leaving scar tissue that is less sensitive and therefore less pleasurable.

    The anatomical equivalent of the male f******n (prepuce) in females is the clitoral hood (also called prepuce) which is the fold of skin that protects the clitoral glans.  Some forms of female circumcision – more often called female genital mutilation – wholly or partially remove the clitoral prepuce. I have never understood why female circumcision is considered to be ‘barbaric’ yet there is no outcry over male circumcision.

    Check out the links below.;...

  11. don't remove your man hood!!! you'll regret it. pleasure will never feel as good again.... I like my men un-mutilated, though.

  12. call a moyel?

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