
Where to get lab coats cleaned?

by  |  earlier

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I need to find a company in the uk that offer a cleaning service for lab coats? is this something a general dry cleaners would do or would they need to go to a specialist because they are used in labs?




  1. Depending on the number and what you handle, option of:

    -paying an outside company to do it,

    -do it yourself

    -Persuade the company you work for to buy a washer / drier and do it at work.

  2. I don't know, and that's a fact, but I can't let this chance go by without mentioning my new neighbour.

    She cleans, and puts on a washing line, a tree, the roof of her shed, my fence and my wall, the following items:

    All her personal washing, all her husbands aprons (he works in a kebab shop) and every household article (including rugs and carpets) I have ever seen.

    You could probably put it in the washing machine by itself - but that's not very 'green'.

  3. I would expect a general dry cleaners would clean them, but I guess it depends if your working in a clean room or not? I'm going to guess that a clean room will have strict guide lines and do's and don'ts.

    To be honest I take the lab coats home from work every couple of months and shove them in my washing machine. (Although last time I forgot to turn off the dryer function and I shrunk them... oops!)

    But nothing we deal with is going to be bothered by dust or soap powder, and likewise we don't deal with anything harmful which could be taken out our lab/ test areas.

    Long answer and not a lot of help, sorry.

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