
Where to get married??

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My finance and I don't know what to do. We are getting married in March, and our families are giving us a hard time about where to get married. I want to get married in Italy. ( I was born and raised in Italy, and my entire family is there). The problem with that is if we get married there his family refuses to come. He wants to get married in his home town of Pittsburgh, but if we do that my family refuses to come. We thought about getting married, here where he and I live, but then both families will not come. Him nor I really care where we get married. We just want our families to come.

BTW I am sorry if my English is bad. It is not my first language.




  1. You could get married in one place and have a reception/get together in the other place.  Or get married in pittsburgh (or the place where you both live) and go on a honeymoon to italy and set a few days aside for a family event for your side.

    Or just elope and invite whoever wants to come... and leave it at that.

    In the end it is whatever makes you happy.  It is your day... but, try to think about the future too.  You don't want to look back at this day and wish you did it differently.

    Congrats and best wishes!

  2. First off, congrats on getting married :)

    Now, you should let both families know that it's YOUR marriage, not theirs. You and your fiance should make the decisions to make both of you happy. It's tough that both families refuse to go to somewhere else for your wedding. Not fair. Talk to both families together, see if there will be a compromise. But remember, they should not dictate YOUR wedding day. Good luck!

  3. Could you have two ceremonies?

    If not, how about you have a very small intimate ceremony and invite everyone (who won't come!) and then have receptions in both Pittsburgh and Italy for the families to attend.

    Another option is to have a ceremony in one place and a vow renewal in the other.

  4. Marriage is all about compromise and working together. You both need to work together to come to an agreement about the location of the wedding...also shows that your marriage will last. Have 2 small inexpensive weddings-  1 in Italy and 1 in Pittsburgh.

  5. Get married in Italy.

  6. If your families are going to be jerks about it, you should elope.  And if they make a fuss about it, then tell them to basically go away.  (in nice words).  Tell them that if they don't want to compromise then oh well.

  7. Actually you have very good English.

    I was in your foot steps.

    I am and Italian/American and my Groom was born and raised in Russia.

    Everyone except his Mother are still living in Russia. My family lives here in the states. Your the Bride and 'Traditionally, you get married in the Bride's home town...However it's your wedding, so you pick. For the either of your families to say that they won't come if you dont get married where they want you to get married...There very VERY selfish. It's your wedding day. Do what makes your happy.

    " We get married Sunday in my hometown. In june were flying to Russia and having our celebration with his family....My groom told met that he wanted to get married here in the states because he wanted to do what makes him happy. Even tho at our wedding, only his mother is attending from his family, He is doing it because he loves me.

    Best of luck. Let me know how it works out.

  8. If your families can't compromise then you have 2 choices:

    1) elope and that's the end of it

    2) get married where you live and have 2 receptions (one in each location).

    It's sad that both sides of your families are being so unreasonable.

    Congrats! (and by the way, your english is pretty great!)
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