
Where to get your name written on rice in chennai?

by Guest58359  |  earlier

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Hi All

Once i have seen a guy sitting near spencer plaza, who does write your name in a single rice, puts in a veil containing oil. The oil acts as a magnifier. the end is sealed and it makes a good keychain. Now the guy is not there near spencers. So can anyone tell me where else in chennai I can find these keychains.

Thanks in advance




  1. hello

    you wil b abl to find him in all amusement parks lik mgm n so on......

    it is also availabl in t.nagar(pondy bazar)

  2. no problem.   they will not stay permanantly in one place.. They will come round the saw at spencer plaza, i saw him near central railway station.  next day, he will be at adyar gandhinagar area, and another day he will be at tambaram.  He is also going to bangalore..and can see at shivaji nagar area, near contonment station.  it is lucky on your part if you see him again.

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