
Where to go and what to do in Argentina??

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I was wondering what cities and towns to go to in Argentina and what i can do around there during the day and night for about a week or so and for a little amount of money???




  1. BUENOS AIRES!!!!!  We were there in May, and the exchange was $1 US dollar to $3 Argentinian pesos.   Steak dinners and red wine are both local delicacies therefore costs are minimal.  For free, visit the Recoleta Cemetary, the Casa Rosada, the Obelisko, and La Boca is fun but touristy.  In terms of shopping, leather is cheap, cheap, cheap.  This has to be one of my favorite cities in the world.

  2. Hey! I´m from Argentina, Buenos Aires. The best places to visit in Buenos Aires are:

    - Recoleta

    - La Boca (San Telmo, Caminito.. this places are relacionated with the "tango")

    - Palermo

    - Florida

    - Puerto Madero

    - A lot of museums (Centro Cultural Recoleta, Museo de Bellas Artes, Malba..)and shoppings (Abasto, Alto Palermo, Galerías Pacífico...)

    You have to eat the famous "asado argentino" and "dulce de leche" (it´s delicious)

    You will love Buenos Aires!


  3. afgentina will offer you a vast selection of things to see and do .. its absolutely awesome...  probably the most incredible thing is Iguazu Falls..  in the north ,,, on the border of Brazil ....  its a flight of an hour and a half from Buenos aires .. but i wouldnt miss it.. there are also buses .. and trains for much less $,   Night life in Buenos Aires is endless... but be prepared to be up very very very late... typical dinner hour there is 8 - 11pm .. and night life starts well after that.....  no end to modern .. and historic in Buenos Aires.. and its far more like Europe than it is like western South america.....       check out a good budget travel guide for ideas.... ( know that most prices listed in the book will be less than reality by about 25 % )     HAVE FUN !!

  4. Iguasu Falls, which is on the border between Argentina and Brazil is the place to be. It will take your breath away!!

    If you listen to those who give a "thumbs up" to Buenos Aires, you must understand that is just like most major cities of the world. It is filled with its share of crime and violence. I got my very expensive camera snatched in Buenos Aires. Just be careful.

  5. First, Buenos aires is like no other latin american city.

    Amazing architecture, beautiful people, great restaurants, museums, theatres.the nightlife is unique.And it feels like Europe with a latin twist.

    Then you have in the north, the Iguazu falls, simply breathtaking!Rain forest, wildlife and spectacular landscapes.

    The northwest is more typical of a latin country, desert like, indigenous people, small towns and friendly people.

    If you go to the south, Patagonia, unbelievable, just incredible.Lakes,mountains,rivers,snow, glaciers,whales,penguins and seals!

    Ushuaia is the southermost city in the world.

    Bariloche and San Martin de Los andes are incredible cities, like taken from Switzerland.

    If you like the beach, Mar del Plata and Villa Gesell offer great beaches,food and nightlife.

    I like to go during fall or spring.(apr-jun or sep-oct)

    Summer can be very hot and humid, and winter very,very cold and rainy.

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