
Where to go clubbing in Europe?

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want 2 go clubbing somewhere in Europe next year with a group of mates (we will all be 17). Would like to be somewhere with a lively nightlife and great beaches. Where is the best place to go and also what are they like about 1) serving drinks to 17 yr olds there and 2) checking ID for clubs?




  1. Amsterdam, Berlin, Belgrade, Ibiza, Athens, Moscow!

  2. Ignore the beaches, go to Reykjavik in Iceland, that sh*t will blow your mind.  

  3. You could go to Malta. Or Ibiza. Both these places don't care how old you are and will serve you drinks. If they check your ID, there won't be any problems as you are foreigners and 17 works for them.

  4. Rimini, in Italy, sounds as your place

    Limit age is 16 but they never ask Id as in Italy they dont plus loads of clubs and bars of any kind and big big beaches opened day and night

  5. dublin is a great place to go for a weekend of clubbing wit stags or hens partys

  6. Indeed Amsterdam ! beaches are great..only the weather isn't

  7. A*M*S*T*E*R*D*A*M, drinks to 16 years and older and yes they check ID's.

  8. Go To Ibiza!! its got great beaches and famous the the clubs and parties plus they dont really care about id in there x

  9. Agia Napa!

    Check out the Takkas Hotel;

    Fairly basic hotel, but has all you need, and is just a short walk from the Square, where all the clubs are, and not far from a good selection of bars and restaurants.

    Napa has some great beaches; Liminaki, Nisi, Adams, Lantra, and Makronissoss to name a few, and Napa also has Europes largets waterpark.

    Some clubs are more strict than other, but I really don't see you having much of a problem....unless of course you look very young!

    I live just a short drive away in Xylofagou.

  10. I agree with ML (Amsterdam, Berlin, Belgrade, Ibiza, Athens, Moscow) all good choices. If money is no option for you, I think Ibiza is the place your looking for cuz of the beaches. But for price, Belgrade is the cheapest. Hostels are packed with partiers. As for ID's, as long as you don't look 12 no prob.  

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