
Where to go in Israel?

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My boyfriend a me are plannihng a trip to Israel on october 18 for 6 days ( flying from New York to Tel Aviv), we will like some suggestions , Where to stay? where to go every day?, should we rent a car and tour by our selves?, we have a limite budget.





  1. I dunno ELI,

    It don't sound like a good idea to me, but I'll try to answer your question.

    Israel has no "safe-spots" nowhere.

    Nobody can suggest to you a totally safe destination.

    That's a fact to any travel destination but in israel this gets a higher danger level rating automaticaly due to the Palestinian fighting and stuff.

    Do not trust those "supportive" posters here, they're just doing their shifts, that's all.

    Listen, if the Jews cannot live peacefully on that land I have no intention to encourage no one on visiting their little country, It's simple as that.

    Personally I think, this is a very bad idea, rite from the beginning.

    If you decide to visit, get yourself one of them bulletproof vests, just like the ones the cops are wearing, OK?

    Have a great time kid!


  2. But eli according to Forbes magazine,israel is the 3rd most dangerous destination on planet Earth.

    You can also read here in the Jerusalem Post that a European survey back in fall 2003 ranked Israel as the greatest threat to peace in the world.

    SixWise also suggest israel as one of the top ten most dangerous destinations ever

    I hope my answer will help you to change your mind and enjoy peacefully the rest of your life.

    Bye bye

  3. Eli, despite what the common folks believe Israel is SAFER than the US. Sounds crazy right? But in the worst of situations, you're warned if there's a rocket coming over head and have ample time to go to the underground 'safe spot'. If you're afraid, don't go to the dangerous areas, the ones bordering Gaza since theyre the ones sending over the rockets. Don't visit Sderot or Haifa.

    I would most definetly visit: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Eilat, the Dead Sea. What we did was rent our own car, it was much easier that way, just be careful cause there are some bad drivers. Parking could also be difficult so it's your call. A cab might be easier but more expensive. As to where you should stay it all depends what you're doing. You could start off in TA stay there for a while go to Jerusalem and stay there...go to Herzliya as a day trip go down to Eilat for a couple of days and unwind again at TA if your flight leaves from there  again. We did something along those lines and it was really fun and really worth while. Despite what the ignorants are saying here. Hope you enjoy your trip!

  4. Please my dear eli,I think you must reconsider your decision in visiting Israel.

    Some posters have given you sound advice on why you must be xtra cautious if you decide to visit Middle East.

    There's a Palestinian struggle going on for so many years over there,in case you haven't noticed.

    Well my oldest daughter wanted me to let her visit Israel a few months ago, but I refused on the spot.

    There is absolutely no way anyone that can predict when or where a Palestinian guerrilla will retaliate within Israel.

    I would postpone my trip to Israel if I were you until both sides sit around a table and start talking peace.

    Not only then I'd feel more safe but also I'd use this trip to encourage and welcome peace.

    South Italy or a Greek islands cruise would sound more reasonable in your case my dear.

    Anyway I wish you the best of times, no matter your decision.


  5. Visit Illat & the Dead Sea, along with Masada. I'd find a Bed & Breakfast, rather than a hotel. The Old City of Jerusalem is awesome. You can see the Western Wall & tour the ancient walls of Jerusalem, as well as Davids' Fortress. Excavations are EVERYWHERE. Bring lots of film & enjoy yourselves. You'll love it!

  6. Ok I'll give you a serious answer :)

    You don't mention whether or not you have ever visited Israel before, so this is a rough guide assuming you haven't - if you have, let me know and I'll amend it.

    Note - it may rain while you are here, bring a light waterproof jacket!


    Jerusalem - Old City - Christian, Armenian and Jewish Quarters - and, dependent upon the situation, if you can get a tour guide, to take you to the Arab quarter

    Tel Aviv - Neve Tzedek, Carmel Market areas

    Jaffa - Port Area

    Haifa - Bahai Gardens


    Akko (acre) - Old City & port

    Rosh Hanikra - Caves

    Sea of Galilee

    Hula Valley


    Negev Desert

    Dead Sea & judean Desert

    Eilat - for the red sea - and as an entrance to do a day trip to Jordan - other than than it's a tourist resort only

    There are LOADS of museums of all sorts in Israel, and LOADS of great restaurants - see some of the sites below:
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