
Where to go to college for a geology degree in Colorado?

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I am thinking about becoming a geologist in Colorado, and was wondering where to go to college, and after that where to begin my career.




  1. The best area of employment at the moment is environmental geology/engineering, everyone is becoming more aware of the environmental impacts of mining, quarrying, large construction projects etc. Companies are desperate for environmental geologists and engineers.

  2. I went to the University of Florida, so that is obviously the best.

    But in the oil industry, Colorado School of Mines has a very good reputation.

    The reality is that any public school will be good. You can begin your career as a geologist anywhere in the world after you get your degree from any institution, particularly if you have high grades. Currently the oil field is the hottest market, but in five years maybe it will be something else such as environmental geology.  If you get to the PhD level, you can even begin your career anywhere in the solar system, as it is geologists that are most concerned with geology of Mars and Saturn, for instance.

  3. Here is a list of colleges that offer geology degrees in Colorado:

      Adams State College

        Colorado College

        Colorado School of Mines

        Colorado State University - Fort Collins

        Fort Lewis College

        Mesa State College

        Metropolitan State University of Denver

        University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

        University of Colorado at Boulder

        University of Denver

        University of Northern Colorado

        Western State College of Colorado

    Go here to see a link to each school's site:

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