
Where to go to do community service?

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I live on the mornington peninsula and for a week we have to do community service and i have no idea where to go.. any ideas?




  1. an old folks home is ALWAYS a place to look. You're local hospital should have some volunteer programs. google different shelters in you're are. Clean up a local park. Sometimes elemtary school may have some type of after school programs they might need help with.

  2. animal shelter

    city/state parks

    food banks

    homeless shelters


  3. Is there a woman's shelter or homeless shelter nearby?  How about an animal shelter?  All good places to volunteer.

  4. try local homeless shelters, soup kitchens, helping the borough (ie planting, gardening, recreation) basically anything donating your free time.

    Have fun with it!


  5. theres this great website where they can find some place to do community service near you !

  6. I've heard Australian Volunteers International both run great programs

  7. You could volunteer at the homeless shelter or go rock babies.

  8. if there is a red cross chapter in the area you can volunteer.

  9. Your local Apex club, I had been a member for 10 years and loved every minute of it, I helped in Building better communities, and formed enduring friendships, it is a great organisation.

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