
Where to hang a portrait of Jesus?

by  |  earlier

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I have a nice handpainted portrait of Jesus, where should I hang it?? I have a 2 bedroom townhouse, kitchen living room and 2 bedrooms. I was thinking next to the door going outside but I dont know...what do you think?




  1. It sure is hard being a Christian. :o)

    I would put it in the Kitchen where you can thank God for letting you have a meal and your guest will also be reminded.  


  2. do it int he kitchen! over the dinning room table!

  3. I like your idea of next to the door going outside b/c you'll always be reminded to act Christ like when entering the outside world and dealing with others.

  4. Jesus wasn't a 40 year old Virgin he died at the age of 33

  5. We had one with his hands in prayer...we thought it appropriate in the dining room, since we ask the blessing of food each day!

  6. I agree, put it in the dineing room. As for the rest of the rude comments. Get a life people, he can choose to have a representational of Jesus if he wants to. I feel sorry for some of you.

    Oh lord Jesus we love you!

  7. oh ya all you guys who are saying "how do you know how jesus looked like"      the artist pictured in their mind how he looked like and god showed them how he looked like. gosh. I reported the person who said jesus is fake because you were making fun of people's beliefs. We can believe what we want....and that doesn't mean you have to make fun of it...

    but anyways i would hang it where there is a lot of light in your house. possibly across from a window, glass door...

    any place is good. after all, it only matters how much you want to think of him.

  8. One of my pictures of Jesus is above the doorway. I use to have another one of him next to the door too but it was replaced with the ten commandments written in Hawaiian.  I think you should hang your handpainted portrait of Jesus wherever it makes you smile and be happy.

  9. You have a picture of Jesus? So you know what he looks like. I want to see it considering there has never been a picture of Jesus found anywhere.

  10. you shouldnt even have a portrait of jesus

    how on earth you do know how he looked like?

  11. Put it somewhere where it will always be seen, and people will think of Him.  Put it in a place where it is an obvious testament of your faith.

  12. I think you should put it on the wall at the top of your bed. Jesus will always be watching you and you will know he will never leave you.

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