
Where to invest for a 3/5 year lock up, open to cautious risk?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, I am getting married and my parents are giving me a dowry of £30,000. They want it to not be available 3-5 years. Where should they invest it for me? I am open to cautious risk? I am thinking a bank...which has the best rate etc?

Thanks a bunch.




  1. Invest  in Gold and crude.

  2. REAL ESTATE!!!!!!!!! My co-worker in California just paid $214,000 for a home that was worth $480,000 6 months ago. Buy low, sell high.

    Also, if you live there for at least 2 years your entire profit up to $250,000 ($500,000 married filing joint) will be TAX FREE.

  3. Why would you want to lock it in when there is so much happening at present. Cash is 'King' at present. It is better to have the money in an account where it is available at short notice or immediate withdrawal. If interest rates go up your parents can then move the cash to a higher interest earning account. If your parents really do not want the worry of keeping an eye on the investment, then over five years the funds will be better placed in shares in the Bank in which the money would be deposited. Most bank shares have been heavily over sold due to the credit crisis. They are good value and are paying dividends which are yeilding a higher return than the interest that is paid on the deposits. There is the added advantage that the share price will increase over the next five years.

    Have a good look at this as an alternative. The other suggestion would be to place 15,000 in a savings account with the bank and buy 15,000 worth of shares in that bank as well.  

  4. Index linked Gilt? Or maybe a corporate bond. Or even Lloyds TSB, Shell, Land securities, RTZ.(or similar shares in those sectors)

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