
Where to put my baby up for adoption!?

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I am 18 years old and I was raped by my stepdad I am pregnant I have found the love my life and if you have read my other questions .you will read what has happend! I am looking for a agency if the father is my stepdad Im not looking to auction or sell my baby. I am just scared of living wit the fact that my baby might be my stepdads kid. if so I will not want it, i will probaly change my mind when I see its face. But im scared and nervous what to do. I hope its my boyfriends. i dont want to put m baby up for adoption but might have to. Look just need advice for NH...Places! For adoption agency. Please help!




  1. If you do decide to put your baby up for adoption, some additional sites are:

    Good luck with everything!

  2. I know you are probably sooo anxious right now, but please, try to take this one step at a time.

    There's no reason for you to decide on adoption right now. And there's no reason for you to go to an agency right now, either.

    Please start with reporting your step-dad. Please.

    Next, go for counseling. Independent (not through an adoption agency) counseling.... see someone who can help you work through your feelings about the rape, and who might help you think through your reaction/s to (possibly) having your step-dad's baby.

    Some women truly feel they cannot love a child conceived of rape/abuse, and later find that they can. It would be horrible to rush into the decision to relinquish your child and later find out you do love your baby and you'd made a mistake, you know?

    One step at a time. (((Hugs)))

  3. go to your local dcfs  (department of child and family services and let them know your intentions, they have all kinds of foster families that are wanting babies to adopt>

  4. it to the police...have a DNA test can know prior to birth....and they decide what to do.

  5. I'm so sorry about your situation!  If it turnes out that you want to put up your child up for adoption, have you ever thought about a private adoption?  The reason that I'm asking is because I know a couple that would die for the chance to adopt  a baby!  I wish you the best of luck!

  6. you cannot auction a baby. Please e-mail me:

  7. we looking for a baby to adop, because we have been marriage for six years and not yet have a baby.


  8. There are countless agencies-you can google it as well.  There are a few that are all over the usa that come to mind and they are American Adoptions and Lifetime Adoptions.  I am trying to adopt myself, but these both cater to two parent families and I'm single.  You can choose the parents for your child from a list of profiles and extensive research they have done on potential families.

    You dont have to use an agency.  If you know a family that is wanting to adopt your child, they can hire a lawyer who can draw up all the necessary paperwork.  Remember you cant accept money for this or you will get in trouble.

    best of luck, Sheri

  9. may, I suggest that you have DNA testing before you decide about adoption.  then, you will know who is the father.

    I suggest you call planned parenthood and ask for counseling now.  they can refer you to an adoption agency in your area if that is what you need.

  10. You can look online, and find the family you want your baby to go to.  Also you don't really have to go through an agency, you could look in the paper, or ask around.

  11. Wow I totally want you know i'll do anything to help you I was raped when I was 16 and I hated it.  But hopefully the baby is your boyfriends instead.  You can get a paternity test done and if it does end up being your step fathers, you can go through local agency's near you, and other websites, just do a google search for adoption agencys.  GOOD LUCK!

  12. report your stepdad to the police, have a paternity test done first before deciding to sell your baby....if you want to go through with adoption tell your obgyn and they can guide you in the right direction

  13. If you decide that you don't want your child then I would suggest also searching for people who can not go through an adoption  agency.  Not because of something bad in thier past but simply because they don't have the money to go through an adopion agency.  In New Mexico you have to go to meetings which I think is great but then you have to pay them $2,500.00 for an adotion license.  Just think what that kind of money could do for the child when it is adopted by a loving family.  And you can always talk to friends of the family that wants to adopt and have a background check ran on them for about $10.00.  There are so many people out there who would love to have a child but they just don't have the money to buy one on the baby market.  I know I'm one of those people.

  14. i take your baby...i have a four year old that wants another baby in the family but i cant have any more its way too difficult

  15. wow goodluck 2 u what ever u decide 2 do

  16. First, see about getting a DNA test before the baby is born to determine paternity.  This will let you know whether or not you even need to be worrying about this.

    If it is your step dad's, then you can consult with an agency ( & are both very reputable).

    Either way, you should report your step father.  If he raped you, he's a s*x offender & you owe it to his other potential victims to make it known that he's dangerous to women in his life!  Please see your local police department.  You should also consider getting some counseling to help you through the emotional and psychological aspect of all this -- you were traumatized & will do much better if you get some help with it.

  17. It doesn't sound like you are ready to be a parent.  Here are some agencies, I mean it is really hard to be a parent in the first place at 18, let alone if you have recently been raped.

    Here are some adoption agencies in NH:

  18. Report your stepdad.  Whether or not it is his child, he needs to be dealt with!!

    There is a great adoption attorney in Concord.  His name is Bianco.  He has apparently processed hundreds of adoptions.

    Go to

  19. (((((HUGS)))))

    Here is a hotline to call - please call them asap and they will listen and help you:1-800-592-4725

    Next step, you must report this rape.  I recommend finding a local rape crisis center - call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) - they will help you find one in your area.  

    THANK-YOU for considering adoption!!! This is a very loving and caring choice - you are a wonderful person!!! :) :) :)


  20. of course find out first. then it is up to you what to do next. I gave up a baby for adoption when i was 20 and i looked on line and they contacted me and no one knew but me and the baby's father. i do keep in contact with the family and she sends me pictures and we are truely good friends but i knew that my daughter would have a better life with this family then with me. I had a 2 yr old at the time(with the same father) and i was working and in college. now i have my degree and am married and not for one minute do i regret it because as much as i cried myself to sleep thinking about it, i knew in my heart that it was the best thing for both my children. now, my husband(not the father of my children) knows and supports me and loves me and my family. remember everything you do reflects on your children and if and when the time comes when they want to met you, you can stand tall and let your child know the truth and that you loved him/her and wanted the world for them. i hope i helped you out a little. take care and may god bless.

  21. There are many reputable adoption agencies all over New England. Call some and meet with the people who work at the agencies. Find an agency that you feel comfortable with. There are lots of places and some of them work slightly differently than others. You will be working with the people during a difficult time and through a lot of emotional stuff so,  find a place that you like and that meets your needs. Explain everything to them. They will help you; that's their job. Do not let any place tell you that you have to decide anything for sure until after the baby is born because that's the law. They are not allowed to convince you to do anything you don't want to do. In your situation, as far as adoption goes, you have all the power because the agencies want you.

  22. Get DNA testing first....this is so hard because this baby has no fault in the police and have step dad arrested {that baste-rd} I hope you make the right decision...GOD BLESS......

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