
Where to put my turtle???????????

by  |  earlier

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It"s a painted turtle and it swims and stuff i was wondering where to put it becuz i dont want it nomore????? I was thinking about putting it in the woods ....Or just flush it in the toilet?




  1. if it is a water turtle then put it in a lake but if not then put it in the woods

  2. Do what I do.

    Buy a big container and put it outside in the backyard.

    Check on it 3 times a day to make sure its okay.

  3. I can't believe you even typed "Or just flush it in the toilet?"  Animal abuse is punishable by law, and fines will be levied.

    If you caught it wild, simply release it where you caught it.

    If you bought it, list it as "free to good home" on Craig's list, or put an index card up in your local stores, your vet’s office, and your church.  Some one will adopt it.

    You can also contact fish and game in your state for the location of a local Federal rehabilitator, and they will take the turtle.  Most will even make the trip to pick it up.

    Good luck, and hope this has been helpful.

  4. whatever you do, DO NOT release them. non native turtles quickly establish and compete with native species for food and often push them into extinction if the natives cant keep up. it can also introduce disease into wild populations. flushing an animal that requires both heat and Uv lighting is not only highly cruel, it ensures a slow and painful death to your animal. reptile shelters, classifieds, and reputable pet stores may accept your pet.  

  5. What state , I'll take it.

    I am in Orange  county , Calif..

    Contact the “, for a turtle rescue/vet in your city and state

  6. There must be a herpetological society near you. Contact them. That will almost guarantee getting the turtle to a good home.

  7. Craigslist? Offer it there... someone would take it  

  8. sell it to your local chinese restaurant. they pay top dollar for it

    JUSS kidding

  9. dont put it in the toilet! geez and don't put it in the woods either look for local pet shops

  10. if its a petshop bought turtle you cant just let it go!

    give it to a friend or animal shelter and they'll give it a good home

  11. 1st, shine it up all nice and pretty, 2nd, turn that lil turtle sideways..

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