
Where to report improper food handling of restaurant?

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Found a piece of glass in the take out food I've ordered for my kid. Was very upset if she must have eaten any along with food.

Will that cause a problem?

I would like to report it so the place will be inspected and can ensure that proper handling of food takes place.

I tried to locate some related site on the web but no success.

Please advice.





  1. Contact your local health department

  2. You could start by talking to the manager/owner.  I doubt that they waht to be selling food with glass in it.  This might also indicate a disgruntled employee at the restaurant that management should learn about.  If you want to go to official channels, contact your local government (the main number will do).  Tell them what you want to report and they'll connect you to the right department.  If your child ate any glass, you'd probably know right away, but watch her for the next day.  If she's showing any distress, I'd recommend taking her to an emergency room.

  3. Your county health department.

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