
Where to retire to for good hunting?

by Guest34374  |  earlier

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I'm planning on retiring next year and buying me some land that I'll live on and hunt (and may also hunt on local public hunting grounds). Where should I retire to? For the location you suggest, what kind of hunting is good there? I'm new to hunting! Thanks much!




  1. I agree with Peter V. I usually do.

  2. Well, I am from a LONG ways away from there, but I have heard that some of the best hunting on Earth is up in Wyoming and Montana.

    Everything from big game, elk deer, etc, to bear, to wolves to coyotes. etc.  All good stuff and PLENTY of dirt cheap acreage!  

  3. I'm retired and moving back to South Texas next year for the hunting and fishing.  I'm lucky in that I already own a ranch there.  If you are already in Texas or would even consider Texas, land is not terribly expensive in places like Brooks County and Duval County.  There are others where land is reasonable and the taxes won't put you in the poor house.  Ask around.

    Good luck and congrats on your retirement.


  4. georgia   there is great hunting here for deer turkey quail dove maybe some hog and coyote.

  5. every state has good hunting of some all depends on what you want to hunt. then you want to find the state that has the weather that will give you the most hunting will not find a better state than texas for hunting.deer,hogs,coyotes,panthers,birds... and many others.

    -----------retired texas deputy sheriff-----------

  6. If you don't mind long dark cold winters, you could move to Cantwell, Alaska.  Residents of Cantwell can hunt even in portions of Denali National Park.  Some residents in the area also subsistence-hunt.

    However, unless you could afford to take long vacations during the winter to warmer, sunnier climates, the winters might outweigh the hunting.

  7. British Columbia, or Pennsylvania.*

  8. dont move to Wyoming the wolves are eating everything in site

  9. Northern US is a good place for hunting - cheaper tag fees, more types of game to hunt, fewer people.  

    Western part of North Dakota is good (Eastern half is a boring plane), Northern Minnesota has good forests for hunting, Wyoming and Montana are really good for all types of hunting and have greater leniency on gun laws as well (open carry in most areas).  And of course there is Alaska - if you live to hunt and don't mind fewer people around, then that is the place for you.  

    I would pick a place closer to Canadian border, so that if the mood strikes, you could drive there for a hunt or two.  

  10. If it is strictly deer you wish to hunt,Mississippi is the best in the south, and perhaps the nation. It has the most deer per square mile then any state in the US. Alabama would be a close second, with a two deer a day limit for the entire season which runs 4 months if you include bowseason. But  if you can stand the heat and the humidity, and want to do it all, deer, ducks, squirrels, rabbits, bass,crappie, etc, the bayou land of Louisiana is the place to do it all, and usually without moving a few hundred yards.I can hunt and fish for all the above species from one houseboat location. It's almost like living in paradise, if it just wasn't for that hot, muggy,humid heat! You don't know if you have to hunt in shirtsleeves or insulated coveralls during the same weekend. Our winters are relatively mild, but alternate between cold spells and heat waves during the winter. But I wouldn't move for any thing in the world.It's truly a paradise, if the outdoors is what you love.

  11. You're new to hunting? You have to decide what kind of hunting you want to do. How much you have to spend come into it too. Could you buy a ranch in Texas? One of those 50,000 acre types? Then you could buy and build up populations and hunt many species found through out the world, including those already there.

    Are you thinking deer and pheasant, quail and ducks? There are some good places in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming to look into where you could probably find good fishing as well. My parents have a little place not far from here (in Southern Idaho) where I've hunted and taken deer, ducks, pheasant, quail, and trout, as well as coyotes, foxes, a bobcat, and lot's of rock chucks. The area is loaded with good hunting and fishing areas as well for many more species. I could probably find you something good for as low as $200,000, if that is what you were after. You can go up from there if you want a really nice house and or other attributes. I can even send you links to some good ones for sale if you want, no problem, if you want to email me I'd do that for you if this place seems like it might be your cup of tea.

  12. Alaska

  13. If ya from australia which i think you are go NW Victoria good deer up there and beatiful country. Cheers mate  

  14. Why not try Alberta? Moose, WT deer, mule deer, antelope, elk, bear, sheep, coyote, wolf, even Bison if you go north enough.

    Good Hunting....

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