
Where to start when practicing golf?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to learn how to play golf from scratch, and I was wondering where to start. I know I need to work on my swing first, so which clubs should I practice with? And then what should I work on first, putting, driving, etc? I have a driving range nearby, a putting green, and several fields nearby, so I have plenty of ways to practice. There is also a public golf course around too. So please give me some advice on how to get started with the game.




  1. get just a set of regular clubs nothing fancy then id just go to the driving range and hit about 20 balls for each club until u fell comfortable and also practice swing at home in the backyard id also reccomend going to the golf shop and hitting some balls into the net there with some trainers so they can see and help u perfect ur mechanics

  2. when you get your swing down...and you really want to start to get good...i did this yesterday, i went to the range for  2-3 hours and hit 400-500 balls with only my sand wedge hitting 50-90 yard shots...i golfed today i had 7 sand wedge shots i had 4 birdies with it!

  3. Get a book and learn the golf swing from scratch, then go to a good will store or the like and buy a club (six iron), that way your not wasting money if you don't like the game... learn to grip and swing the club... if you know you are going to stick with it, buy a starter set of clubs... always warm-up first, that's where you start, then start with your wedge and work up from there... then go putt and work on your short game... drive for show putt for dough!!! have fun and enjoy the game...


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