
Where to stay in CANADA?

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Iam coming from the Philippines its an asian country with only 2 seasons, summer and rainy. I like beaches a lot and when we move to Canada i know there will be major changes in the climate. So i want to konw coz i want to stay somewhere where the climate will be warm not much of snow, like a carribean weather.I do not want to miss my hometown so much and i like to stay tan as possible




  1. There aren't too many beaches in Canada, but it a nice 'forest' country, I suppose, rather than palm tree and coconut kind of weather. Try Southwestern Ontario, there's probably the most beaches around here, but I'm not too sure about this. Around here, in Canada, there is no "keeping a tan", the weather here isn't stereotypically cold and snowy, but it's not Hawaii weather. Best bets are to go to California or Florida.

  2. The climate is entirely different in Canada.

    The mildest weather is Victoria B,C., but it will still be cold to your standards

    Away from the coast and you get 4 Seasons

    At the coast, like Victoria and Vancouver it is more like warm rain, or cold rain.

  3. You really won't find Caribbean weather anywhere in Canada, and the  only way you can have a tan in Canada year round is if you get it from a bottle or go to a tanning salon.  Nowhere in Canada can guarantee a snow free winter, but the most likely area would be in British Columbia as others have mentioned.  Most likely you will get used to the weather if you choose to live here, and it won't seem so bad.  One of the great things about Canada is how much we appreciate and value summer because we do have real seasons.  Enjoy Canada.

  4. hey, im from Pencticton BC.. there is two lakes here.. and in the summers it gets up to 35 degrees. It's super nice. It isnt anything like two seasons.. but the weather here is great.

  5. dont come to canada then.

    but if u have to. as close to the border as possible.

  6. Go to Victoria, BC.

  7. many Filipinos  .my wife included come to Vancouver BC   see tourismvancouver   and hellobc  they will send you free guides Feel free to email me

  8. it's hard to say... in the east ( toronto) summers are very warm and humid 30-40 degrees. but winter is the exact opposite with lot's of snow.

    in the west ( vancouver) it is more even... winter rainy and 0-4 degrees, summer 30 sunny no humidity. i would say move out west... i grew up with a whole bunch of philipinos so there is a large community. also the weather won't be the tropics but it won't be so drastic. it's also beautiful in the west. lot's of trees and right on the water so lot's of beaches. the down side to moving out west is it's expensive... if your only going to be ( for example) working in a clothing store it will be difficult to get by without roommates. but if you already have gone to school all you may need to do is some upgrading and it may help.

    hope i helped...

  9. I've been to Quebec, and that right about the border of the NY state.

    Theres an unbelievable amount of snow when I went last week, and is expected to be there until may.

    Sorry, but i doubt there is a place that wont be that warm ):

    Good Luck.

  10. British Columbia is the only place you will enjoy the weather for the entire year... other wise you are looking at snow for at least 5 months of the year.

  11. Well anywhere you go in Canada, you are going to have a winter full of snow and cold. There aren't really many beaches here.

    You could move to the East Coast (Lots of snow, not many jobs)

    You could move to the West Coast (Lots of Rain, maybe preferable to you)

    You could move to the North Coast...(Don't do

    Or there are some beaches along the great lakes, bordering the United States. These are the warmest climates in Canada, because they are the furthest South. However, you will still have winter time, most likely with snow. The summers are hot and beautiful though.

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