
Where was Adolf Hitler on 11th Nov.1918 when Germany signed the armistice.?

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I have heard he was in a hospital in Berlin being treated for blindness caused by a mustard gas attack.




  1. Hitler was gassed October 13, 1918, near Wervicq, in the Ypres sector.  He was in a hospital at Pasewalk, near Stettin, in Pomerania (on the Baltic), when the Armistice took effect.  He was temporarily blinded by the gas.

    He had spent two months in a hospital at Beelitz, near Berlin, after being wounded in the leg October 7, 1916 on the Somme.

  2. You are correct. He was got injured in the great war.

  3. i heard he was in the pub having a few

  4. you are correct, though I dont recall offhand if the hospital was actually in Berlin. But he was recovering from a gas attack when the armistice was announced.

  5. You're right.

    Recovering from gas attack.

    He actually had a distinguished war record. He served as a Trench Runner, which required him to cross no-man's land and repeatedly expose himself to enemy fire.

    He was awarded the Iron Cross.

    The officer who nominated him was Jewish.

    Just because he was a brave soldier doesn't mean he was a nice person...

  6. He was over in France..not in the trenches. He was a message carrier. He was just an ordinary soldier.

  7. Your right he was wounded in some kind of a gas attack and went to Berlin to heal in a hospital.

    During a battle his body ran infront of him and died instantly imagine what kind of a world it would be with out him.

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