
Where was Feroze Gandhi when Indira accompanied Nehru to open ICF in Tamilnadu on 2nd October 1958?

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Where was Feroze Gandhi when Indira accompanied Nehru to open ICF in Tamilnadu on 2nd October 1958?




  1. home

  2. Feroze Gandhi was from Allahabad.

    It is reported that relations between Feroze & Indira were somewhat strained and Feroze had no inclination to accompany Indira NOR Indira found it necessary to prevail upon Feroze to accompany her. Indira found more solace in the company of her father Pandit Nehru, an eager individual more concerned about Politics and hence the shortcomings - some individuals felt about it, others more political minded simply ignored to take any cognigence in the issue - being strictly a personal matter between the both.

    This is what I could gather during my brief stint of 2 years when posted at Allahabad during 1970/72.

    You may find some reference to your query in some books published about Feroze Gandhi or the Nehru family.

  3. He was in ISLAM

  4. Amal's answer is correct.

    Never were Feroze (who is a Parsee & not Muslim) and Ind`ira participated in any public functions. Having lost his wife much earlier, Nehru needed a hostess in his Prime Ministerial residence. Ind`ira fulfilled that role fully and efficiently. It was a grooming for her for future. Nehru was dismissive of Feroze, who attacked him and his government policies on the floor of Lok Sabha (Parliament) when it was needed. The estranged couple remained so till his death.

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