
Where was Imam Ali (as) born, where was he martyred? How? By whom? Why? ?

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  1. Can u plz tell me the source of the myth &quot;Ali (RA) was born in Kaabah.&quot;

  2. lol, i wonder why people will thumb down Heba&#039;s answer, why would people not like to talk about Imam Ali&#039;s (AS), life story?

    lol, i guess thats how they show their love huh?

  3. Imam Ali (as) was born in the Ka&#039;ba. He was raised by the Prophet, and struck by the sword while performing the fajr prayer in the mosque on the 19th of Ramadan. He was martyred on the 21st of Ramadan from the poison that was smeared on the sword. Buried in Najaf.

    He was born and died in the house of god.

  4. &quot;Can u plz tell me the source of the myth &quot;Ali (RA) was born in Kaabah.&quot;&quot;

    Hakim in his Mustadrak and Nuru&#039;d-din Bin Sabbagh Maliki in his Fusulu&#039;l- Muhimma, Fasl I, p.14, say: &quot;No one before Ali was born in the Ka&#039;ba. This was a distinction given to Ali in order to enhance his honor, rank, and dignity.&quot;

    Some of the other authorities who have affirmed Ali&#039;s birth in the Kaaba, are:

    1.Muhammad ibn Talha el-Shafei in Matalib-us-saool, page 11.

    2.Hakim in Mustadrak, page 483, Vol. III.

    3.El-Umari in Sharh Ainia, page 15.

    4.Halabi in Sira, page 165, Vol. I.

    5.Sibt ibn al-Jauzi in Tadhkera Khawasil Ummah, page 7.

    6.Ibn Sabbagh Maleki in Fusoolul Mohimma, page 14.

    7.Muhammad bin Yousuf Shafei in Kifayet al-Talib, page 261.

    8.Shablanji in Nurul Absar, page 76.

    9.Ibn Zahra in Ghiyathul Ikhtisar, page 97.

    10. Edvi in Nafhatul Qudsia, page 41.

    Among the modern historians, Abbas Mahmood al-Akkad of Egypt writes in his book Al-&#039;Abqarriyet al-Imam Ali, (Cairo, 1970), that Ali ibn Abi Talib was born inside the Kaaba.

    Another contemporary historian, Mahmood Saeed al-Tantawi, of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt, writes on page 186 of his book, Min Fada-il al-‘Ashrat al-Mubashireen bil Janna, published in 1976 by Matab’a al-Ahram at-Tijariyya, Cairo, Egypt:

    &quot;May God have mercy upon Ali ibn Abi Talib. He was born in the Kaaba. He witnessed the rise of Islam; he witnessed the Da’wa of Muhammad, and he was a witness of the Wahi (Revelation of Al-Qur’an al-Majid). He immediately accepted Islam even though he was still a child, and he fought all his life so that the Word of Allah would be supreme.&quot;  

  5. Imam Ali (a.s) was born in the house of Allah “El- Kabal- Musharrafeh” the exalted Kaba.  He was killed during his prayer in Kufeh mosque by muljim&#039;s son.  


    three thumbs down for talkin about Imam Ali?....

    and i am amazed to see those 9 thumbs down brother FTL.....where is the hate coming from?.....fellow muslims?.....very sad

  6. Warning:

    &quot;Cold as Ice&quot;, &quot;sameer s&quot;, &quot;eviwahhabi&quot;, &quot;Mjaffery12&quot;, &quot;Osama&quot;, &quot;gunnerH&quot;, &quot;csucmasy &quot;, &quot;FTL(Turba charged)&quot;, &quot;Pro Actice&quot;.

    is the same user a Lebanese Shia

  7. its funny how ppl thumb down answers about Imam Ali (AS). Just goes to show how they&#039;re in denial, know that Ali was right, and they are wrong, but of course won&#039;t admit it until they open up their minds a bit.

    Just thought I&#039;d comment about all the thumbs down anybody who praises Imam Ali (AS) gets. It&#039;s actually humorous sometimes.

    Oh yeah, Imam Ali (AS) was born in the Ka&#039;aba on the 13th of Rajab (1 question: If he wasn&#039;t born in the Ka&#039;aba, how do you explain the crack on it that won&#039;t go away despite attempts to cover it up? The wall of the Ka&#039;aba (which was locked) cracked and opened so that Ali&#039;s mother, Fatima bint Asad would enter. Hakim in his Mustadrak and Nuru&#039;d-din Bin Sabbagh Maliki in his Fusulu&#039;l- Muhimma, Fasl I, p.14, say: &quot;No one before Ali was born in the Ka&#039;ba. This was a distinction given to Ali in order to enhance his honor, rank, and dignity.&quot;).

    He died at the age of 63 in Kufa on the 21st of Ramadan after he was hit with a poisoned sword by Ibn Muljam in the mosque during morning prayer.  He is buried in Najaf.

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