
Where was Muhammad Ali during 1965? Did he have any reason to be in Canada?

by Guest33096  |  earlier

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Apparently my uncle tried to pick a fight with Ali some time in 1965. It was in a Tiny bar in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I can't believe it but anything is possible i guess. From what i am told he tried to start a fight with him and Ali todl him to relax bla bla bla and then bought him a drink. Anyways Where were some of Alis fights in 1965? Did he do any promotions then?




  1. There is a good possibility that Ali was in Canada to take on Canadian strongman George Chuvalo in defense of his heavyweight title.  I believe that was in 1966 though with Ali winning a 15 round decision.

  2. It was probably 1966.  Ali did have a fight in Toronto against Chuvalo.  I think this very well could have taken place.  Would love to  have been there also.  Your uncle is a lucky man to have met "The Greatest"

  3. Deeeeaaaamn, your uncle must of been one bad dude, or really drunk...  Ali fought Liston in '65 for their rematch and that was in Lewiston, Maine... a stonesthrow away, if I'm not mistaken.  If that didn't have anything to do with it, Ali might of just been in the neighborhood.

  4. Ali fought only twice in '65.  He KO'd liston in the 1st round and then he KO'd Patterson in the 10th.

    He did fight in Maine, and the other fight was in Vegas.

    However, because of Clay's name change to Ali in Feb. of 2004, and various other things goin on in his life, it is hard to imagine Ali went north to Canada.

    Not to disallusion you but I have several reasons to doubt the tale.

    1.  Ali was the greatest... And he believed it.  Why would he drink in some tiny bar in some backwoods Canadian town?

    2.  Ali was a recent convert to Islam.  Unless I missed something, I am sure Ali was not even drinking alcohol at that time.

    3. Your uncle would probably pee himself before he ever would have considered picking a fight with Ali.

    The only thing Ali promoted was Ali.  He was a shameless self promoter.

    Hope that answers your questions, and apparently your uncle has had a few too many drinks in his lifetime.

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