
Where was abu bakr when?

by Guest58598  |  earlier

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imam ali(as) was burying muhammed(saww)?

was he having secret meetings behind imam alis(as) back instead of helping him ?

tut tut .. :P

really, why didnt he help 0_o




  1. and of course this is according to your secret fairy who tells you stuff?



    are you really asking or are you making fun?


    where do you get those information, im really wounding.


    don't you think those kind of things should be proven instead of saying "believe it or not" ?


    because 1+1 was proven to be equal 2. nobody can say its a fairy tale. and that's the definition of something proven.

    if you post something proven, nobody can refuse it.

    you don't have time? no problem, post anytime.

    you have bad credit or no credit, no problem, i can get you pre-approved ;) (LoL just kidding that last one)

    just try me. im ready to believe anything proven.

  2. Fight!  Fight!

    God I love it when Muslims start bashing each other!

  3. Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee mentioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (10/22) the narration of Ibn ‘Abbaas which was reported by at-Tabaraanee with a Hasan chain of narration that the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:

    يا علي سيكون في أمتي قوم ينتحلون حب أهل البيت، لهم نبز يسمون الرافضة، قاتلوهم فإنهم مشركون

    ((O ‘Alee, there will be in my Ummah a group of people who will go beyond bounds in love of my family, they will have an insulting name, they will be known as the Raafidah. Fight them, for they are polytheists))

    Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee also metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

    قلت للحسن بن علي‏:‏ الشيعة يزعمون أن علياً يرجع‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ كذب أولئك الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

    ((I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Alee will return”, he said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritence))

    Ibn Taymiyyah recorded in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/69):

    قال أبو حاتم الرازي سمعت يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول قال أشهب بن عبد العزيز سئل مالك عن

    الرافضة فقال لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فإنهم يكذبون وقال أبو حاتم حدثنا حرملة قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

    ((Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, "I heard Yoonus bin 'Abd al-A'laa saying: Ashhaab bin 'Abdul'Azeez asked Maalik (d.179H) about the Raafidah, so he said, "Do not speak to them and do not narrate from them, since they lie. And Aboo Haatim said, "Harmalah related to us saying: I heard ash-Shaafi'ee (d.204H) saying, "I have not seen anyone testifying for more evil than the Raafidah."))

  4. We were lucky to have Abu Baker (ra) as our leader, instead of some tyrant like Muawiya or Yazid, please sister in shia it is haram to talk about the sahaba, in an ill way, remember Ali (as) never made war with them, we make war with people that made war with Ali, that is Muawiya may he burn in h**l and his son Yazid, but Abu Baker and Umar (ra) are not to be mentioned in an ill way, ask any Imam shia and he will tell you.

    Edit: No, sister this is not what happened, what happened, is Abu Baker was forced by ansar to take it, by the consent of Ali, cause if it did not happen, Islam would have been wiped out................

    Edit: Dajjal (Pechino 08) Sometimes the most eloquent reply is........ Blah

  5. He was at my house drinking tea

  6. ok, no one will ever know. this kinds of things, you just say allahu a3lem.

  7. wow i learned something new from FTL today, i used to think all shias curse sahabas.

  8. of course this is according to ur shiaism religion ,wich manufacture stories about sahaba to bash them as possible they can

  9. when the messenger of Allah passed away Abu Bakr As Siddiq was in sinh. it's a small town outside madeena.his 3rd(last)wife stayed in sinh and so he had gone to sinh.

    when he came back from sinh he heard the news.there was no internet or telephones during that time for the news to reach him. he did not have ant secret meating but Ali and Zubayr took up the responsibility of washing the holy prophet's holy body. Abu Bakr had gone to meet the Ansaar cuz they decided to make one of the ansaar the leader of the muslim community, but he was the one who said 'don;t you remember rasoolullah saying that the leadership belongs to quraish' he was the one who stopped bloodshed at that time. he had gone to stop the blood that would be spilt. he even when he was a khalifa he said' omar is much more component than me' he said that. this entire long story is in bukhari.

    and Ali and Zubayr also gave Abu Bakr the bi'a though they were little late.

    tell me which book of hadeeth do you believe in?? from which book should i bring a hadeeth to prove that Abu Bakr is the next greatest after Rasoolullah?

    bukhari?muslim?abudawood?tirmidhi? which one. by the way the story is present in muslim and abu dawood aswell.

    s**+'a bashers are just jelous of s**+'a?what kinda name is dat?

    well i agree wid u dat sunnis should'nt bash s**+'a but v bieng jelous?of what?what should v b jelous of?you have nothing.aqbsolutely nothing. well yes maybe wealth but thats dunya. for a believer it's alaakhira.

    i don't say that s**+'a are not believers. they are muslims too.

  10. hey S****y o m sorry shiaite. it's such a tounge replied to everyone except 'a muslim' why?? no answer? i knew it. i fully agree with what 'a muslim' said.

    12 dajjal: stop ur nonscence pleez.they don't believe haim to b a prophet. only a small grp duz dat. avoid generalising. ders a grp of sunnis in india that go to darga. duz that mean all sunnis go to dargas???  if yes, then ure not a muslim cuz going to darga is pure SHIRK  

  11. I think Its rude to ask Such stuff.

    Trash like u shouldn't mention a The Amir of the believers

  12. He was in The Saqifa bani saeeda سقیفه بنی ساعده  he wanted to be the khalifa.

    He was not worrying about Prophets (saww) body.

  13. I tell you a funny joke. Did Ali follow the ritual and teachings of Shiaism?

    I know about Shia. Never liked you even when I was a Muslim.

    Simple question to all Shia: Why do you curse Muhammad's companions when it was them that helped spread Islam|?

  14. Ya Allaah this question is like this one;...

    Keeps coming back to annoy the h**l outa me:/

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