
Where was archaeology first used?

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Where was archaeology first used?




  1. Everywhere; anywhere on this planet where there were greedy treasure hunters so, that's everywhere.

  2. sorry i have no idea i wish i knew

  3. As stated above, Thomas Jefferson performed probably the first systematic excavation of an archaeological site (a large mound on his property). He is thus widely considered the first American archaeologist.

  4. Thomas Jefferson excavated a Native American mound. He kept detailed records and observed stratigraphy within it (layering). This is considered the first American archaeological dig.

  5. my arch prof said that ancient egyptians used archaeology... so, a really long time ago.. lol

    didnt start getting scientific until the 1800s and 1900s though

  6. I suppose that this depends on what you mean by archaeology. Scientific excavation techniques and recording of data appears to date to the 18th century in Europe, when King Charles of Bourbon ordered the re-opening of previous excavations at Herculaneum. Digging for treasure at prehistoric sites dates back into prehistory; there is ample evidence that graves were routinely opened in order to acquire "loot", for example Egyptian royal tombs were regularly looted.

    Two really good books if you want to know more are

    1- Daniel, Glyn. 1981. A Short History of Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson.

    2- Trigger, Bruce G. 1989. History of Archaeological Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  7. the babylonian king nabonidus was the first to use archaeology.

  8. in the book of Genesis.

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