
Where was the media and FEMA with the midwest huge flooding?

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I believed everyone worked together on sandbagging also, didnt wait on the Government, what ever happened to that story?




  1. The midwest flooding was in an area of the country where collecting a welfare check isn't the main source of income and pandering wasn't the solution.  Notice how Hollyweird do gooder Sean Penn didn't bring his rowboat?

  2. The only difference in the mid-west and New Orleans floods were the race of people involved. same liberal media, though.

    Draw your own conclusions.

  3. Because there weren't as many people affected as in the New Orleans flooding because it was mainly farm land, and small cities,  and they were better prepared, which means that they were easily evacuated.   In addiditon, they had better leadership at the state level.

  4. No poor blacks complaining about Bush. That's the difference. The mid westerners rolled up their sleeves and took matters into their own hands. This is not a story to the media because it displays American greatness and determination against all odds. That simply can not be reported by the anti-American media.

    They are only interested in showcasing how horrible we are.

  5. Where is FEMA for anything?

    The government helps other countries before they help ours!  It is a sad situation... at least they were able to evacuate & help each other instead of waiting on the government to act!  It wasn't another Katrina episode with bodies floating every wheres.  God bless them.

    And to the stupid people... Katrina was alot differ from this... maybe if you where there you'd understand.

  6. There probably aren't enough government bigwigs with ties to the midwest to make a difference in their lives. Thank goodness the midwestern people know that working together and helping their fellowman gets more done than waiting on any government to help. The communities in the midwest are closer now than ever and other areas of the world can't understand why...duh! Treat others like you want to be treated! That's how things get done and people survive. Good luck to all those midwestern families and businesses that have suffered and are working on rebuilding their lives.

  7. the media only exploits, nothing to see there

  8. Fema - I thought they were dismantled during this admin two terms....

    As for the midwest - to saving the midwest meant the alternative fuel process would accelarate in the next incoming admin and the curtailing of oil companies......

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