
Where was the most beautiful place you have ever been?

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  1. Niagara falls.  So beautiful, and powerful..

  2. Inside a hospital room, where my just born grand son was in my lap. That was the most beautiful place for me.

  3. italy [florence, rome, capri, sicily...] beautiful mediterranean sea

  4. To me- Derwent water in the LakeDistrict ^^

    To my boyfriend- somewhere in Scottland- he'll have to take me there :)

  5. "Beauty" is in the eye of the beholder.  It all depends on what "you" consider beautiful in a place or a country.

    If you are looking for human achievments, the most beautiful place I've ever been is the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand.  Wow!  It's like visiting a giant jewelry box.

    If you like historical ruins, then I'd say the Anchor Temples in Cambodia.

    If you're talking about countryside, I think the jungles of the Amazon Forest in South America top the list.

    The most wonderful thing about travel, is the variety and beauty in every place you visit, and every culture you experience.  Have fun and visit as many as you can.  You've only got one life, so live it "everywhere".


  7. If you check my other answers you would find that I have always answered with straight forward responses, but today I will wander off just long enough to say, "the most beautiful place that I have ever been is in the arms of the man that I will love for as long as I breath".

  8. Maui in Hawaii especially the sun rise

  9. I'm going to say it is Canyon de Chelley, the Navajo sacred site in Arizona.  Simply put it's the most beautiful and spiritual place I have ever been!

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