
Where was your best and worst vacation and why?

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Well im looking fore a travel spot so i figured id ask you where was your best and worst travel spot and why?




  1. I travel a lot........all of them were good.......I really like the high desert..........along with the ocean........mexico..........costa rica........alaska........the worst..........I can't really think of any.......

  2. I've found out that if you are with the right person (people) anyplace can be great; and the reverse is also true.

    I used to go skiing in the Poconos. A group of us rented a big place & split the expenses.I've been to Key West, FL several times. Sometimes it was great, sometimes not, depending on the other people. Camping, Bahamas, etc. Vegas is good if you're not a gambler: a lot of shows & hotels are free or cheap, because they plan to get their money back through your gambling.

  3. Best - The Maldives - Pure Paradise, lots to do and the most beautiful place i have ever been too (Went for my 21st)

    Worst - South of France when i was younger, Beautiful town we stayed in, but we were in an accident which made the whole holiday (3 weeks) horrendous!

  4. My best vacations and I mean my most enjoyable, memorable and fulfilling have been with my wife out West in the Wide Open Spaces.  My worst vacations and I mean vacations that I don't ever care to repeat have been in very large cities (New York and Los Angeles) where I learned that there were all kinds of animals that considered themselves human.

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